Failure to Prepare = Prepare to Fail.

In the world of athletics, a lot rides on an athletes natural ability and physical attributes. When you look at physical specimens like Bo Jackson, Earl Campbell, Mike Tyson, JJ Watt and others, it becomes apparent that not everyone can perform at the same level with regard to football. Even with hard work, becoming the next Jim Brown is unlikely. Make no mistake about, natural talent is a factor that cannot be replaced by hard work.

However, you don’t get to the mountain top without a great work ethic and a proven program that will consistently produce results.

The necessity of producing results is not only applicable to football but to other facets of life. When preparing for life changing, post-graduate education, you have to take tests like the LSAT or MCAT. Your success is not only dependent on how smart you are, but the methodology used for test preparation. It’s a fact that, many smart people with high GPAs have done poorly on the LSAT and MCAT. Thus, it is safe to conclude that evidence of academic performance does not completely guarantee academic success in post graduate life. The same can be said about sports preperation.

A kid may have exceptional strength and speed, but in a giant talent pool, he (or she) will become one of many talented and strong athletes who have potential.

So how does a responsible parent prepare his or her child for success in football. First of all this can be accomplished by seeing to it that the young athlete can compete in the safest manner possible. What will ensure your child’s safety is:

  1. Making sure that the athlete is hitting, tackling and blocking properly. Sadly enough, many youth coaches still teach kids to have full, head-on collisions when they hit. Moreover, some of these kids incorporate the helmet as a weapon. This is very dangerous to the player who is delivering the blow. Hitting with the helmet puts pressure on the neck and can even lead to serious injury.
  2. Making sure that your child is functionally strong. Studies show that a structured resistance training program can reduce the number or prevent injuries related to playing football. Link to the article Science Daily Article

The best program for functional strength is available. The time to invest in the proper preparation is now. Every second that goes by, another kid gets a strength, explosiveness and safety advantage over your kid. Don’t let another day pass without getting in on this game changing program, because the longer you wait the more you are preparing your child for failure.


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